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Embrace stress… the Zebra way!

Embrace stress… the Zebra way!

Stress… Recognizing it, dealing with it and tackling it. Not as easy as it sounds. But with a few tweaks here and there, you’ll be ready to embrace a non-stressed Zebra lifestyle (just keep reading and you will understand why). One of the amazing things about Mother...
Crap-proof morning routine

Crap-proof morning routine

Lately I´ve been trying to shift the way I start my days. Routine can be a dread or a blessing, the choice is yours. I went for option 2 and I must say the results are pretty amazing in such a short period of time. Starting the day with happiness and smiling has...
How to breathe better in 3 steps

How to breathe better in 3 steps

Breathing, the first thing we do when we come to this world. Besides the importance of oxygenating our blood and brain cells, breathing is a vital aspect to manage emotions, physical performance and focus. Imagine you are facing a challenge, you have a very important...
5 tips you should be using to manage your conflicts

5 tips you should be using to manage your conflicts

Conflicts are commonly known as an opposition or a disagreement that involves at least 2 parts. It can also be related to an emotional situation within us, as a discord of feelings or principles. Conflict can make you lose considerable deals, close your business, miss...